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In unserer Serie „AGENEO PRESENTS THE MEMBERS OF INRALS” sprechen wir mit Geschäftsführern des von ageneo mitbegründeten INRALS-Netzwerkes, dem International Network of Recruiting Agencies in Life Sciences.
In unserer heutigen Ausgabe: André Borka– Inhaber von Borka Consulting AS (Norwegen)
Dear André, would you please present yourself and your company!
My name is André Borka and I am a partner in the company Borka Consulting, a recruitment agency and executive search boutique in the Life Science industries in the Norwegian Market.
Our ambition is to be Norway’s leading search and recruitment company within Life Sciences.
We have 100% focus on recruitment within the pharmaceutical industry, biotech, medical devices, laboratory industry and diagnostics.
Before we started the company in 2009, we worked in the pharmaceutical and medtech industry for a total of 25 years. We believe that our knowledge of the various roles in the industry means that we have a good understanding of what competence and personality are required to add talent to our customers.
Why and when did you join INRALS?
A lot of our international clients perceive the Nordic region as „a country“ and not as Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. We have always worked well in the Nordic region with other INRALS recruiters.
We can solve complex recruitment tasks across borders, and the INRALS partners in the Nordic region have each a local knowledge of talents in their own market.
In 2016, after a few years of several successful recruitments across the Nordics, they suggested that our company join INRALS. It has been an exclusively positive journey. The good cooperation we have in the Nordic region has now been extended to the entire area in which INRALS operates.
I especially appreciate exchanging experiences and talents across the INRALS system.
What advice could you give our clients when it comes to filling open vacancies during the Corona-Pandemic?
Uncertain times make candidates seek more security. Since we often approach potential candidates who are not in the starting point looking for a new job, the client’s attractiveness as a workplace has become even more important. Employer Branding is a continuous job, but has become even more relevant in times we are in now.
Video interviews have become a standard now. Last month we actually had a candidate who got a job without having met the customer physically. That would not have happened a year ago, as all clients want to meet the candidate F2F before hiring
What do you like most about your field of work?
The journey of having identified a talent who was not looking for a new job, getting that person interested, and later becoming a candidate who later turns out to be a full match with the company, is very satisfying.
When I later see that this candidate is making a career in the company, I feel that I have really helped to add value to both parties.
What was the funniest thing that happened to you at work?
I do not know if I should laugh or cry at the following situation; we presented to a company a candidate who had super matching skills for a role. At the meeting with the recruiting manager, the manager fell asleep during the interview. Actually, it is completely tragic, but is still a story I will never forget.
André, we thank you for your time and these insights!
If you want to learn more about our inrals-partners, stay tuned!
Carolyn Klein – Marketing Associate
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