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In unserer Serie „AGENEO PRESENTS THE MEMBERS OF INRALS” sprechen wir mit Geschäftsführern des von ageneo mitbegründeten INRALS-Netzwerkes, dem International Network of Recruiting Agencies in Life Sciences.  


In unserer heutigen Ausgabe:  Liam O´Connell – Operations Director und Co-Owner der CK Group (UK)


Dear Liam, would you please present yourself and your company

Hello, I am Liam O’Connell, a Director with the CK Group, a specialist UK based recruitment organisation focussing on STEM recruitment within the scientific sector.

We provide recruitment services in the permanent, temporary and outsourcing areas and are celebrating our 30th anniversary in 2021 (This makes me feel very old). As recruitment company we are very proud of our reputation here in the UK as an organisation who always go the extra mile with our clients and candidates to ensure we meet their requirements. This has led to the continued growth and expansion of the company and we currently place in excess of 700 candidates in new roles every year. These range from laboratory technicians to managing directors and we aim to ensure that they all receive the highest level of service.


Why and when did you join INRALS?

The CK Group was invited to join INRALS in 2016 and we were delighted to become a member of this global organisation. Since joining INRALS the level of collaboration and support from our colleagues has increased dramatically. In fact so much so that we have set up a new company CKQLS, as a joint venture with our Swiss colleagues, Hoelzle Buri and Partners to provide temporary staff to the Swiss market in the life sciences sector. This has proved a very successful enterprise and has been brought about through INRALS. Personally, I have learned a great deal through speaking to and working with my colleagues throughout the world.



What advice could you give our clients when it comes to filling open vacancies during the Corona-Pandemic?

During the COVID crises, which has affected everyone, we have worked very closely with our clients to help them to adapt to a completely different recruitment market. They have had to change how they recruit dramatically, but if there were three key pieces of advice I could give it would be the following:

  • Embrace technology in your recruitment process, particularly video technology.
  • Continually reassure candidates of the benefits of joining your company. Remember people are very nervous of change during the present pandemic
  • Speed: Ensure that you have a smooth recruitment process which does not last too long, otherwise you will lose candidates in the process.

Overall most clients have adapted well to the changing recruitment situation, but our role as professionals in this field is to support them with as much help and advice as possible.


What do you like most about your field of work?

Having in recruitment for 32 years, I still get a real buzz when we get a new candidate a new role that they are excited about. However, my favourite part of my role is watching my staff develop and grow both as recruiters and individuals. At CK we care about our staff and hence even though we employ 60 people we have a very low staff turnover.


What was the funniest thing that happened to you at work?

This is actually quite embarrassing. Back in 1992 shortly after starting the business and prior to computerisation in recruitment, I was working with two candidates with the same name. I had sent details of one of these candidate to a client who wanted to interview them. Unfortunately, I sent the other candidate along to the interview. The client called me after the interview, questioning why the candidate he interviewed had different experience and worked from different companies to that on the cv!!

As you can imagine I was very embarrassed. But it worked out well as the client actually employed the candidate he interviewed!!!!!!!

My colleagues have never let me forget this

Liam, we thank you for your time and these insights!

If you want to learn more about our inrals-partners, stay tuned!


Carolyn Klein – Marketing Associate


*Allein aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird bei der Personenbezeichnung in diesem Beitrag auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung männlicher und weiblicher Sprachformen verzichtet. Die verkürzte Sprachform hat lediglich redaktionelle Gründe und beinhaltet keinerlei Wertung. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten für alle Geschlechter.
