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In unserer Serie „AGENEO PRESENTS THE MEMBERS OF INRALS” sprechen wir mit Geschäftsführern des von ageneo mitbegründeten INRALS-Netzwerkes, dem International Network of Recruiting Agencies in Life Sciences.  


In unserer heutigen Ausgabe:  Nicola Mantovanelli – Partner bei Pharma Point s.r.l. (Italien)


Dear Nicola, would you please present yourself and your company!

Pharma Point is a private company founded in 1989. That makes us one of the oldest companies within inrals.

In over 30 years, the company has become one of the main reference points in Italy for recruitment and selection of professionals and executives exclusively in the lifescience market.

Our main activities are focused on:

  • Recruitment, Personnel Selection and Executive Search

Providing high quality  “client tailored” activity, co-designing the approach with the client, providing solutions, adopting an analytical and rigorous method to achieve insight into candidates through multiple lenses, such as experience, knowledge, leadership style and cultural context.

  • Sourcing & Scouting
  • Organization Mapping, Competitive Intelligence
  • RPO

I’m  partner of Pharma Point since 2006.

Since joining the firm in 2005, I’ve been working on several projects in Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Clinical Operation industries, filling managerial positions in all company’s departments; I’ve  gained strong functional search expertise in many Lifesciences areas as well as Executive Search.

Prior to Pharma Point I’ve worked at HR Departments of many important multinational firms.

Why and when did you join INRALS?

We have been part of INRALS since the first period of the set up of the network, in 2013, and I am proud to say that with our Spanish partners (LIM GLOBAL) we have been the architects of the first historic successful collaboration of the network.

The decision to join INRALS arises, like for our Partners, from the desire and need to open up to international markets. In fact it often happened that our customers asked us if we were able to do research even outside Italy and, thanks to INRALS, this has become possible.


What advice could you give our clients when it comes to filling open vacancies during the Corona-Pandemic?

My suggestion is to be more open and confident about the use of IT tools which, as we have demonstrated filling good candidates even during the Pandemic period, allow us to make accurate selections even without being able to meet candidates in person.


What do you like most about your field of work?

The aspect that I find most gratifying is the possibility of being able to relate yourself daily with professionals, whether they are clients, candidates or colleagues, with whom you can compare yourself and with whom you can constantly grow.


What was the funniest thing that happened to you at work?

Many funny episodes have happened in those years, I remember one episode in particular: during a job interview carried out at our offices, which at the time were on the eighth floor of a building, we felt numerous strong earthquakes. I was definitely alarmed but the candidate insisted on ending the interview at all costs; he was undoubtedly highly motivated !!!


Nicola, we thank you for your time and these insights!

If you want to learn more about our inrals-partners, stay tuned!


Carolyn Klein – Marketing Associate


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