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In unserer Serie „AGENEO PRESENTS THE MEMBERS OF INRALS” sprechen wir mit Geschäftsführern des von ageneo mitbegründeten INRALS-Netzwerkes, dem International Network of Recruiting Agencies in Life Sciences.  


In unserer heutigen Ausgabe:  Vivi Darwin Madsen – Senior Consultant bei Carpenova Nordic AB (Dänemark)



Dear Vivi, would you please present yourself and your company!

Hey, I am Vivi Darwin Madsen, a senior consultant at Carpenova Nordic AB. I am based in Denmark and I am mainly covering the Danish market within the life-science industry.

With almost three decades experience within sales in the pharmaceutical industry I have successfully completed numerous recruitments in this sector.

Before entering the executive search business, I held a position as Sales Manager in the pharmaceutical industry and have been part of launching several products, built and managed successful teams. I have a broad education in leadership and sales. Besides that I hold a certification as systemic coach ( EMCC accreditation) and have a background as a nurse in the primary sector of the healthcare system .

Carpenova offers executive sourcing – a full process or parts of it. We pride ourselves with a thorough and comprehensive initial research of the client and the role as well as always working in teams.

We have our experienced researchers as a core team that coordinates the projects, and the consultants add their experience and network in the applicable discipline or industry. We have served the market in Denmark and Sweden for almost 14 years and are growing the number of recruitments every year.


Why and when did you join INRALS?

Up to 2018 Carpenova was actively seeking for a dynamic and global network with focus on the Life Science area. After some projects with our Finnish colleagues at Nordic Progress an opening occurred to be a member in the INRALS network.

Since 2018 we have been the Danish and Swedish member of INRALS and this has given us a more international platform and a stronger position at the Nordic Market together with our partners in Norway, Borka Consulting, and Finland, Nordic Progress.

The way to collaborate in INRALS suites our organization very well. We have been able to cooperate with our colleagues for example in the US, UK, Germany, Norway and Finland which has increased our market and business in a positive way.

We are really proud of being a member of the INRALS family and are looking forward to being part of this network for many years to come.


What advice could you give our clients when it comes to filling open vacancies during the Corona-Pandemic?

To fill open vacancies despite the Corona-Pandemic would be my answer

  • with an eye on the new normal, when there are less limitations based on Covid-19.
  • with an eye on the possible changes in the ways of doing business.
  • with an eye on the possibilities technology provides when it comes to virtuell meetings.

Candidates can be more reluctant to changes during the pandemic. To attract the best and overcome this reluctancy, it is very important candidates can be reassured, that the hiring company has taken” the new normal” in consideration.

New talents in place will contribute to future business, from near and far, don’t hesitate to carry on.


What do you like most about your field of work?

For more than 30 years in the life science industry, I’ve seen the importance of having the right candidates for positions. Finding

  • the right candidate for the role
  • the right candidate for the team
  • the right candidate for the company

combined with finding

  • the right role for the candidate
  • the right team for the candidate

is, what I really like about my field work, the benefit of a perfect match.

A feedback from candidates, including the ones that don’t get the jobs, that they appreciate the process and really value my feedback also brings a smile to my face.

What was the funniest thing that happened to you at work?

Not funny at all, but…

When looking for a chance to help companies in finding candidates for an open position, I sent a message from LinkedIn to a contact person at a company looking for a Key account manager. It turned out, that she was working with recruitments as well. She wished me the best of luck, and besides she sent me regards from her husband, with whom I have worked in a project a few years earlier, without him telling me that his wife worked with recruitment. I am sure they had a good laugh, and so did I, when I overcame the annoying part.


Vivi, we thank you for your time and these insights!

If you want to learn more about our inrals-partners, stay tuned!


Carolyn Klein – Marketing Associate


*Allein aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird bei der Personenbezeichnung in diesem Beitrag auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung männlicher und weiblicher Sprachformen verzichtet. Die verkürzte Sprachform hat lediglich redaktionelle Gründe und beinhaltet keinerlei Wertung. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten für alle Geschlechter.
